For the journey of life


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The Grand Voyage

Grand Voyage is a men’s contemporary brand committed to bringing luxury footwear and accessories to a tightly curated group of tastemakers and retailers at an affordable price point. Think “affordable luxury”. Grand Voyage’s aim is to be the brand of choice to outfit todays modern-day young gentleman.  Being a gentleman is not a social class or associated with age; it’s a choice that is consciously made and comes from within. We believe thatall gentlemen should always dress the part and that there is a universal uniform for today’s gentleman, Style. We believe there are rules to being a gentleman. Saying “please” and “thank you”, working hard andplaying fair, always offering your seatto a lady, respecting your elders, keeping your word, always making eye contact, opening doors for others, acting chivalrous, both well read andwell traveled, staying loyal, having a romantic sensibility, being well groomed and always staying humble.


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